Saturday, February 09, 2008

Mary ... My Mother, Too?

Years ago, as I contemplated becoming a Catholic, I had one point of difficulty that did not resolve itself immediately. It was this: Why should I pray to Mary, when I could go directly to Jesus anytime I wanted?

In time, I did come to understand the reasons Mary is so revered by the Church. I read the historical background and theological perspectives. I meditated on the writings of my brothers and sisters in faith. I pondered the Scriptures to bring the shadowy sketches of Jesus' mother into sharper focus.

But in the end, it wasn't until I became an adoptive mother that I came to appreciate the dynamics of this particular parent/child relationship ... and I write about it in my upcoming book entitled Behold Your Mother: Mary Stories and Reflections from a Catholic Convert (Bezalel Press). To order a copy with the special pre-pub rate, click here.

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